Our Shared Future: Windows into Canada’s Reconciliation Journey — A Review


  • Peter D Shipley Chief Instructor of both the Strategic Research & Planning and the Leadership & Design Units at the Ontario Provincial Police Academy, Orillia, ON; Past Chair of the State and Provincial Police Academy Directors section of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Alexandria, VA; Part-time Professor at Georgian College, Barrie, ON; Past President of the Canadian Association of Police Educators




calls to action, trauma-informed education, leadership


The challenges and complexity of the reconciliation process are still not well understood by a large number of non-Indigenous people in Canada. As a nation, we are attempting to grasp the intricacy of how to unravel and atone for the damage that has been done in establishing and managing the more than 130 residential schools in Canada. This not only impacted more than 150,000 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children but destroyed generations of families that are still and will continue to be impacted for years to come. The official apology from Prime Minister Stephen Harper on June 11, 2008, to all Indigenous people in Canada for the atrocities of the Indian Residential Schools was the start of a very long and painful continuous journey. The 94 calls to action released in 2015 by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission provide a road map to a complex recovery process for Indigenous people across the country. In January 2018, Health Canada held a national panel discussion with Indigenous leaders and experts on the question “Reconciliation—What Does it Mean?” One of the main themes of reconciliation revolves around education, and, in order to stay focused, we must continue to educate Canadians, including police leaders and new recruits, as we move through the meandering path of econciliation. The book Our Shared Future provides an outstanding in-depth look through the windows into a number of individual perspectives on the reconciliation journey.


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How to Cite

Shipley, P. D. (2020). Our Shared Future: Windows into Canada’s Reconciliation Journey — A Review. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 5(4), 178–182. https://doi.org/10.35502/jcswb.165



Book Review